I'm that girl who always has a Starbucks in my hand, my camera in the other and a claw clip in my hair. I love to hike and kayak! My daughter, our german shepard and I rare always unning around barefoot or out on an adventure. You know, when I'm not out shooting!

Most days. you can also find me at the gym or singing (horribly) in my car with the windows down with the AC on. I've been a storyteller & and entrepreneur for the past 11 years. I ADORE THIS JOB. I truly feel like storytelling is part of what God put me on this Earth to do. Just like my grandfather before me, documenting weddings and families brings me the greatest joy. I’m obsessed with house plants, macrame, pottery and clay earrings. Shopping small is my fave. 


Meet The Artist Behind The Lens

I never want to stop making memories with you

how it started

My grandfather was a wedding photographer so naturally, I started shooting with his camera when I was in high school. We used to sit at the kitchen table and show each other our photos, discuss settings and tell each other stories about shooting. I like to believe he's watching my business grow from Heaven. I stand on the shoulders of giants and he is one of them. 
